Reticent Path
Beyond reticent paths, 'neath hazy gleam.
A world of quietude, where dreams may stream.

Through reticent ways, we venture on. To find the realm where hazy light is drawn.
The album(EP) "Reticent Path" is about six dreams I had.
After Raining, under the Silent Eave, I dreamt in my Imaginary Forest, through the Enshrouding Mist, I become a Sorrow Isle in the Concealed Sea.
I. Silent Eave:
On a quiet afternoon, it began to rain.
I watched the raindrops falling from the eaves, and I thought of you.
It is so hard to encounter, so easy to depart.
So hard to remember, so easy to forget.
But no matter now or ever, I will always think of you.
But you're gone, like raindrops, evaporating into the clouds and returning to the ocean.
Maybe it's just a scene in a dream, under the silent eave, I saw you fall.
Do you know, I'd instead fall with you together.
II. After Raining:
The rain cleared, without a rainbow.
Sooner or later, early or late, the stream that emerges in front of us will flow into the sea.
The rain outside the roof has been stopped, but the storm in my heart never halts at any time.
Those raindrops in my heart, also want to be collected into the once existing boundless sea.
III. Sorrow Isle:
Every man is an island.
I want, to be your uninhabited island.
Nobody came here, and nobody went.
Determined, unflinching even when submerged, this island will accompany you to see all the waves and tides.
The sorrow isle, always, is there in your mind.
IV. Concealed Sea:
The sea is always concealed.
It was as if I were on this sea, foggy and directionless.
A monster lives in the concealed sea, appears and disappears, eats human eyes, and digs their heart. There is no return.
My curiosity, however, was to take a look at the monster in the mirror.
Strangely enough, it was the same figure as myself.
I myself, is the real monster.
V. Enshrouding Mist:
Dense fog continuous layer upon layer.
Surround me, surround the island.
I thought the raindrops had disappeared, but they just turned into fog, they still lingering here.
Then, through this enshrouding fog, I see you.
VI. Imaginary Forest:
The fog never goes away, at least in this imaginary forest.
Is to see the fog in your mind will emerge it.
I want to see the concealed sea, so that I can catch a glimpse of it, in this imaginary forest.
You know this reality is not real.
The so-called non-existent just not arise in your mind.
This land of the imaginary forest, belongs to you, also me.